Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cove by Northeast harbor

8x10 oil on wood

The little cove over on Peabody dr. around the corner from northeast. Fore ground rocks look a little weak, but what can i do?


r garriott said...

GREAT COLORS!!! Really nice. The blue and the gold so complement each other. Lovely curvey swoop of the water. the rocks are fine. We're all looking at the water.

Mark Bridges said...

Thanks for stopping by, i could use more help.

Avocaken said...

I agree with "R" about the rocks. I was looking at the colors in the woods behind the cabin, looking at the water and etc. The rocks are FINE. If I were to give you a grade it would be A+!

Keep up the good work!
Ken B.

PS I could use some HELP myself. :-)

Kathleen Harrington said...

You really caught the shallow water so well. Really nice comp too. Bring some dark values (burnt umbers and that purple from the trees) to the foreground rocks and they will 'pop'