Saturday, February 28, 2009

what I was thinking

cut out with thumb size from first version pasted over two of the heads i liked. the blond looks like Farrah F. 

This is the way I was thinking of presenting this weeks challenge. But the frame image was too small and the inserted painting was too small to see detail.  

Friday, February 27, 2009

Second version of challenge

8x10 oil on masonite

Can you believe I spent two hours on this version. I should get a little over head light. I did this one in front of the mac with the image open. My lighting was too low. I mean what's up with the yellow blobs on the two to the right SOAB. Ok I'l fix that.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Challenge heads

  8x10 oil on masonite

I was playing on this weeks challenge. I don't want to just copy the photo, more just suggest. If i used a larger canvas, then it could look more realistic.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Baptist

6x8 oil on canvas panel

Don't know why this, and some of the other buildings, came out looking like a 2 year old painted them. Is it because of the small size and thin paint? I'm thinking it should be more juicy paint like Ken Auster.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I didn't like the last painting, so I reworked it with the knife. Tried to give it some splash.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

6x6 oil on hardboard

I think that i should use shorter length strokes. Totally not happy with this effort.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shady Miniola

6x6 oil on hardboard

Tried to have a hard cast shadow over the miniola

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Terlingua, tx.

6x6 oil on hardboard

Saw this little photo of Terlingua and thought that it was neat. It's not so easy to put in the green  bushes and make the rock slope. This one looks close to the design of the last landscape. I wonder......

Monday, February 16, 2009

Alpine lake

4x6 o/c

Thought that I would craft a little scene from my mind.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


6x6 oil on hardboard

Was playing around with my portrait and got it all goofed up and looking like a trogladite and couldn't bring it back around. I almost have a Homer Simpson beard going on there. It was side lit but i couldn't get the shaded side to look proper in the dark. But it's never ending practice.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Purple onion

6x6 oil on hardboard

Thought that before the salad, we would do a little painting.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


6x6 oil on hard board

I gave it a shot today. I'll admit it's a little weak. I feel i need a softer bristle brush instead of just hog, I moosh too much.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


6x6 oil on hardboard

Thought that I would work again on the same scene from yesterday. I would say that those who can paint nice paintings on these small panels have the Mojo going. I should copy more to get some of that mojo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bass harbor marsh facing south

8x10 oil on hard board 
This is Bass Harbor Marsh. I was trying to make the grass look grassy. don't know what's up with the text.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Below, has been reworked in a few places to try to level out the tilt.  The first draft was done in knife then reworked the buildings with a brush.  I use a brush again for the third version. It went off track on the first version and has never recovered to the vision I had. Just my finesse and skills are not where my mind is yet. 

18x24 oil on canvas

Used and old canvas and kept trying to make the water level. I guess the pier on the left makes it look like the water is running down to the right. I did good on the flags on the left.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Three fuji on a plate

6x6 oil on hardboard

Still trying to stay loose and abstract.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

O and B

6x6 oil on hardboard

Quick with out fuss to see how it comes out. If you can tell what they are, then it must be close

Sunday, February 1, 2009

4 sail

6x8 oil on canvas panel

Just noodling aroung.