Monday, December 29, 2008

Blue tea pot in gold frame

6x6 oil on hardboard
Thought i'd put to painting in the frame. The camera battery was low and I think that's why there is so much noise in the shadows.  I was trying to get folds to show up. One side is sharp and the other needs to be soft.  They don't look like folds to me. It might be the small size and i'll practice on larger sizes then transfer to the mini.


Jeff Mahorney said...

wow. Beautiful Mark!
The colors are right on to give that sense of well lit reality. The highlight - awesome.
How much of the painting is the rabbit covering up? I wish it wasn't kissing the edge of the spout.

Mark Bridges said...

About 1/8 th on each side. I just thought to put it in the frame for a change. I've crowded the spout every time i've use the pot.