Monday, December 8, 2008

Passing storm

The above photo is after the the time of the painting below.

16x20 oil on canvas

This is the end result of three attempts. This is off of seawall picnic point. I know the camera bent the horizon some what.  Every one eats lunch here. There must have been a hole in the clouds to produce that shimmer line in front of the boat.


Pattie Wall said...

Must be neat to see a sky like that! Hope you have had power through the last day or two, sounds like there is bad weather down there.

Mark Bridges said...

Only got a few drops here, most missed me. I put some burnt sienna in the purple but it still came out too purple. Not stormy blueish enough, i'll add a after storm photo.

Pattie Wall said...

Wow, to be on the ocean cliffs and paint those scenes, too wonderful, eh?