Wanted to work on making folds, in the dress, look realistic. It was from a mag photo, just to fool around with.
Adebanji Did the tag with me. So, seven things about me and some blogs I follow.
1. Have lived in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, California, Alaska, San Vito Italy.
2. First learned to surf in third grade.
3. First motorcycle honda trail90
4. First car 1971 camaro
5. Knocked out by pony in 1964, never rode a horse since. Not even the mechanical one in front of Walmart.
6. First flew on a plane by myself at age 5
7. Won 5 photographic awards in the last two years.
Some Blogs you might like to see..
William Wray
Of course I follow about 50 other blogs, you might only know William from this list.